Friday, February 1, 2008

End of Week #2

The more I stay here the more I fall in love with it. I love getting up in the morning to see the sunrise as I walk to school and reading in a cafe after classes. I have had a very good week though nothing terribly exciting has happened...

Last weekend some of my friends and I went to see Romeo and Juliet performed by the Ballet de Monte Carlo at Theatre de Rouen. Done in a very contemporary style, it was a treat to see such a different take on the Shakespeare play. We went to the ballet about 45 minutes before the curtain call as to purchase our tickets at the door. What we didn't realize was that 15 minutes before the performance the tickets are only 5 Euro for students. Good thing we were in the front of the line as the ticket counter only had about 30 tickets. We sat in the orchestra pit front and center, how perfect! It was just like when dad and I went to see Chicago in Seattle, purchased Will Call tickets, and had the same experience. After the ballet we went out to a late dinner and called it a day.

The rest of the weekend was superb as it was sunny and busy in Centre Ville. I met a friend at the gare and together we walked to take advantage of the countrywide sales. After an exhausting day of shopping we purchased sandwiches with Orangina... of course. We took our sandwiches to a set of steps near the main cathedral where we met some other friends. Together we people-watched and listen to a band play on the streets. Afterward we went into a cafe to warm up and went home to our families after sunset. Sunday, we went to church then had a big lunch together. After coffee my host dad and sister took me for a motorcycle ride (dad I can feel your jealousy). It was absolutely fantastic. We went all though Centre Ville and hugged the Seine. It was just exquisite.

This week has been very nice, just getting into the swing of things. Everyday I meet Zel at the gare and we walk for about an hour to school. We found the best boulangerie that we frequent every morning. Across the boulangerie is a beautiful park that overlooks the city. So every morning we take our treat over there and watch the sunrise. It is like something from a storybook. When we get to school we usually grab a coffee from a cafe on campus (where again I am a regular) and go to class. For lunch, I usually have pasta, a sandwich, or split a baguette and cheese. After classes I usually go home unless I have a afternoon off in which I go to a cafe in Centre Ville and read.

I am looking forward to the next few weeks as soon we will go to Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, which we have been studying in class... not to mention the planned menu sounds amazing!! We are eating a traditionally cooked lamb at Mont Saint Michel, which I hear is so good because the lamb only eats the salty grass and thus tastes a little salty. Oh, and by the way the food here is amazing. My favorite place has to be this tiny creperie near the Hotel de Ville. It is owned by a couple who live upstairs and is just the most quaint little restaurant... but oh my.... so good. Today I had a crepe with goat cheese, ham, with onions and for dessert an apple and caramel crepe with cider for my drink. The cider is a specialty of Normandy and is made with champagne, if you ever come to Normandy it should defiantly be a goal to try the cider.

Well that is all for now. I just got my computer back from the Apple store since the "LCD mort" as the man said.

Gros Bisous!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mont Saint Michel was amazing, I went there when I was in France. Enjoy!