Saturday, February 9, 2008

Week #5

Bonjour Mon Ami!

This week has been a time for me to play philosopher. Full of ups and downs I learned a lot from many experiences this we
ek. I was missing home quite a lot on Monday, but after writing in my journal I realized that missing home is okay, but that I also have to continue to take it all in. Missing home and cultural elements is just part of the experience. It makes you more aware of differences when gone, and makes you see what you take for granted at home. Writing also made me realize that I really need my alone time where I do not have to be “on” and how much I really value things like friendship, love, and knowledge. I am very excited to see what else I can learn from being abroad and know that I will have many identifying moments when away.

As for activities, I did the usual going to school, doing massive amounts of reading, writing, other homework, and going to a café after classes. But this week was also filled with some very interesting and surprising events entwined within it.

For Mardi Gras, also known as Shayla’s birthday, we ate a lovely peach cake with our lunches. After the school day some of use walked with the birthday girl home as we silently snickered at the secret we were keeping
from her. At around 19H00, our whole group, minus Shayla, met at the Gare with flowers, cakes, wine, and chocolates. Together we tip-toed into M. et Mme. Delaporte’s home and hid behind the piano. As Shayla came down the stairs we sung her Joyeaux Anniversaire and presented her gifts. Also missing home this week, Shayla was having a very difficult time with being so far away on her birthday and not understanding the French. We wanted to do something nice, but it was Shayla’s host mom who came up with the idea. The evening was lovely. We had wonderful conversations in French with some English, and ate such good food. The first course was a vegetable soup, the second a small lamb pot-pie type entrée with glazed carrottes and brown rice, the third the cheese plate and baguettes duh…and the fourth amazing desserts: petite chocolate cakes, a fruit pie, crème brulee and pistachio ice cream, and the white birthday cake. To drink we had sparkling water, red wine, and coffee after the meal. We finished the night dancing and singing along to with the piano player. Quite a good Mardi Gras as far as I am concerned.

The net day after class, we went to Ash Wednesday Mass. It was a really neat experience because the year before I was in Mexico with dad, and a church building homes with Gateway Missions. It made me think a lot about culture, the meaning of home, and values. Last year being in Mexico and re
alizing how lucky I really am to be living in such a well-developed place where I can go to college, I can find a job and really take advantage of so many opportunities really made me think how much I can do for others. Now being in France and learning my potential and strengths in adjusting to a new place, developing a foreign language, finding a balance, and finding my passions really makes me think about the future. I can really see myself bringing these two worlds together and doing work overseas after graduation. I know time will tell but it is something to ponder nonetheless.
Thursday was a normal day. I got a haircut Friday and met friends at the creperie again… next time I will bring my camera and share photos of the deliciousness since it has become a tradition to eat there every week. After eating, we went to the movie theatre to see Juno, a very good film I thought. On the way though something very interesting happened… I was hissed at by a French woman… I guess something unusual has to happen everyday to keep me on my toes.

Today was such a glorious day! Hovering around 50 degrees Fahrenheit with sun, it was the perfect day to enjoy exquisite Rouen. I spent with morning with my host mom in the sunroom reading before eating a very good lunch. After I finished my laundry and went to meet some friends at the Gare. I was about 10 minutes late because I started talking to my host dad about why Macs are better than anything with Windows and decided to just meet them at the Musee des beaux-arts where we were visiting this afternoon. Taking a short-cut that actually turned into a long-cut, I decided just to enjoy it and take the paths that looked the prettiest. During my walk, I found a park behind the Hotel de Ville and connecting St. Ouen cathedral that is just divine. I played a little game of soccer with a boy who at first accidentally kicked the ball past his father, I kicked it back and that’s when the game begun. Afterward, I took a path that led to a huge swing, which of course I had to try out. Of course it was amazing and from the view I could see all the French people with holding hands, playing with their children, or just enjoying the surroundings. I know that will spend much time there this spring! The Museum was great, quite large and had a great exhibition on Rouen from different periods. It was interesting to see how everything has changes over the years. Afterward we spent the remaining afternoon in a café. Very good day I must say indeed.

Tomorrow I am looking forward to going hiking in the afternoon with Zel’s host family! Should be fun!

Bon Nuit!

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