Saturday, April 26, 2008

Giverny et Chateau Gaillard

Wow!! One week until the program is finished?! I really do not know where the past 5 months have gone. Sometimes I don’t even believe that I am in France in the first place not to mention living here for 5 months. I am glad that I am staying a bit longer though as I am not ready to say goodbye to France.
Yesterday, was a perfect day though. We met at 8:00 to leave for our final day trip: Giverny and Chateau Gaillard. We started at Giverny, Monet’s garden and stayed throughout the morning and afternoon. Things were beautifully in bloom and the sites were beautiful just as they were in the summer. It was such a perfectly relaxing morning, just the thing we all needed after so much work this past week and in the week ahead. The weather was perfect too. No more winter coats!! Spring is finally here!! After visiting the gardens and Monet’s house, some of my friends and I walked down Rue de Claude Monet to look more at the town. We went to the church and cemetery to look at the Money family plot and discussed the differences in all the cemeteries we have seen throughout the trip. After wandering a bit more, we found our way to Les Nymphs for lunch.

After lunch we went to Chateau Gaillard built by Richard the Lion Heard in the 11th Century. We took a very interesting tour of the chateau and played in the sun there a bit.Then we made out trip back to Rouen where the sun was still shining. I went into the backyard after coming home to bring my host mom a drink as she had been working in the garden all day. We sat in the lounge chairs and talked about makeover shows since she loves them too. Then I swung on the swing in the backyard, played soccer and badmitten with my host siblings and had a very big dinner. After dinner, Bertrand and I played games until midnight then called it a night. What a great day!
Next on the agenda:
a.) getting through Wednesday and finishing everything
b.) going on a trip with my host family to the country-side
c.) packing up and moving to the Cower’s apartment next Wednesday
d.) go to Tunisia
e.) spend the night in Paris
f.) fly to the States on the 19th!!
g.) go to Las Vegas on the 23rd
Life is good!


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