Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Bonjour! I cannot believe how quickly times passes. It seems as though just yesterday I was getting ready to leave on my french expedition, and now I am repacking for leg two. The past two weeks have been wonderful and rewarding in so many ways.
Everyday we are in class from 8:30-11:30 usually with Richard. I love the class because the french we are learning is very practical and serves as a very good review... not to mention giving us socially useful information like where the best discotheques are. Making us laugh at ourselves and teaching us the alternative meanings phrases may have, Richard is a phenomenal teacher and makes our mornings go by quickly. After class, we always do on some sort of expedition in Quebec to get to know the area and the history better. The first museum we went to was Le Musee des Ursulines a very interesting museum which tells the story of the first school in Quebec commencing in 1639. With original living quarters, cafeteria, and hand-made creations still in tact, it is an exquisite way to see the life of community, religion, and education of the Ursulines. Other places we went to inculde the Isle d'Orleans, Eglise Saint-Roch, la Sainte-Anne bascilica, the Musse de la civilization, and the Musee de beaux-arts where we saw the Picasso exhibit! Something that struck me at the Musee de la Civilization was an exhibit simply named the "Trash Mines." This exhibition was created by Paul-Antione Pichard for the purpose of educating others about the poverty across the world. A link to the Museum's website can be found here:

Quebec has definitely left an impression on me. I am excited to return and to see my host family again. When reflecting on my stay, I can see how quickly I adapted to things and how different things were when living there. A friend told me before I left that "culture shock" is a result of the little things, not the big things and I can absolutely see how true that is. Studying abroad has also made me realize some of the things I take for granted such as having a ride to places around, having a bank where I don't have to pay to take out cash, having Internet, being able to call without an exorbitant fee, and speaking/hearing English. I am so thankful that I signed up for this study-abroad program because I really think that it will stretch me mentally in ways that I have yet to experience. Thank you for your encouragement and support on my French Expedition!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My first time in Quebec!

What a wonderful few days it has been here in Quebec. I arrived on a foggy, cold Sunday at 10:00 p.m., found a taxi and rode the $13 ride to the hotel I would stay at that night. My friend, Bridget, was waiting for me as she watched a fashion show en francais. After catching up on how our Christmas breaks were, we went to bed as it had been a very long day.

The next day, we woke up at around 9:00 (3 o'clock Seattle time) and started our day in Quebec city. After we dragged our suitcases though the accumulated slush that covered the sidewalks, we went to a restaurant for a good breakfast. The rest of the afternoon was filled with walking around the city, spending hours in a cafe, and reading pictures books dans le place d'enfants. After our excursions, we met our group at 5 o'clock at La Fabrique where we would be studying for the next two weeks. We visited with the other students, the program directors, our new professors, and our host families until around 7 when we went home with our new family.

We are living in the next town, Silley, which is only a few minutes away from the vieux-Quebec with the Gils and Zel, another person from our program. I absolutely love Quebec so far. My classes are very helpful and I am very amazed with how quickly I am learning new grammar and vocabulary as well as getting refreshed on previous language. Every day we take excursions in the city or do something for cultural enrichment.

Well I should be getting to bed as I have to get up at 6:30 in order to catch the us on time so...

Bon Nuit!!!